Telo deteta je bilo u džaku

Jovana Petrović аватар

Dalibor Dragijević, brother of Dejan Dragijević, one of the two accused of the murder of two-year-old Danka Ilić on March 26 in Banjsko Polje, gave a statement to the Bor Police Department after his arrest, and was not questioned by the prosecutor because he died during police detention. In the indictment for the murder of Danka Ilić, obtained by, there is also a statement by Dalibor Dragijević from the police in which he accused his brother of killing the child.

He was interviewed on April 6 and said that his brother Dejan Dragijević was at work at the „Waterworks“ on the fatal day of March 26, where he worked the first shift from seven to fifteen o’clock, and that he came home at 3:30 p.m. that day.

„I noticed changes in his behavior, he was disturbed. He didn’t tell me the reason, and later I heard on TV that a child was missing in Banjsko Polje. As far as I remember, on April 28 after 4 pm, Dejan came home with his blue „Peugeot 3072″ and at that moment I saw a white sack in the trunk of his car. I asked him what was in the sack, and he told me that there was a child in it. I felt sick, I asked him what he was doing, what kind of child it was, and he told me that the child was hit by a car, so they picked it up. Our father Radoslav Dragijević was there too, he also saw the sack in the trunk,“ Dragijević said.

As he told the police, he asked his brother Dejan what they were going to do, and then they agreed to take the sack with the child to an abandoned house on the new Zlotski road, where they went by car and left the sack on the ground floor of that house, just placing it on the floor, and then returned home.

„I don’t remember what day it was, but I know it was before my brother Dejan was arrested. My brother told me that he took the sack with the child’s body from the house where we left it and drove it with his „Peugeot“ and buried it somewhere near the Brestovac bridge,“ Dragijević concluded, according to

Jovana Petrović аватар